10 Things To Check Before Buying A Condo

1. Find out what percentage of the building is rented
2. Review the condo by-laws, rule and regulations of the building
3. Is the reserve fund healthy for the age and size of the building
4. Is the corporation up to speed with their reserve fund study
5.  Find out if there any special assessments in place.  If so, how much, how many years and what is it covering
6. What are the maintenance fees and what do they cover
7. Do units come available often in the building
8. What sort of renovations are allowed
9. Who is the property management team running the building
10. Always ask for the minutes of the most recent board meeting

Read more about purchasing condominiums:
Don't Fear the Condo Fee
25 Tips When Buying a Condo
Condo Living - The Lifestyle

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